La Haye, Pierre Gosse, 1760.
Deux volumes in quarto (254x198 mm), (4)-iv-(2)-358-(8) pages et frontispice / (6)-344-(6) pages et 4 tableaux dépliants. reliure : Plein veau de l'époque, dos lisse orné et doré. Encadrement doré sur les plats. Toutes tranches dorées. Mouillure claire au second volume.
références: Ycart [ "Jakob Bielfeld (1717–1770) and the diffusion of statistical concepts in eighteenth century Europe" : "This book became a kind of economics bestseller in its day, containing for example an extensive typology of the origins of the decadence of states. [...] “Institutions Politiques” were instrumental in diffusing the main concepts of political arithmetics, as well as German Statistik, all over Europe at the end of the eighteenth century"].
Prix : 450 €